Kia ora from Amanda
In January I let you know about some organisational changes at The Workshop. Today I’m delighted to be announcing Lizzie Edwards as our new Director of Operations and Business Development.
The Workshop, and our people, have thrived under a shared leadership model and so we have continued with that model. What we have iterated is the roles and responsibilities of the two leaders. The two Directors will have distinct responsibility and accountabilities with Lizzie focusing on operations and business development, and Jess’s new role as the Director of Narrative Research and Strategy focusing on the substance of our work in narrative change and impact.
We welcomed Lizzie to the team this week and spent some time together sharing the journey of The Workshop so far, and the values that drive us in our work.
The Workshop team from the left: Tom, Kiki, Marianne (holding her pup Kiki), Lizzie, Jess, Minette, Carolyn, Julie, Amanda. Ellen is not picutured as she is based in Ōtepoti Dunedin.
The Workshop’s vision is a more inclusive and just Aotearoa. It was lovely to hear all of the team sharing with Lizzie and each other what The Workshop means to them, and how the vision and our values connect us all to the work we do. Finding ways of talking about the big issues that deepen understanding and help people support changes that make the biggest difference matters to us all as individuals and as a team. Together we want to move towards a world where everyone can live a good life and our world can thrive.
In the coming weeks we’ll share more about Lizzie so you can get to know her and the role she’ll play at The Workshop. We’ll also be sharing our farewells to Marianne who co-founded The Workshop and is continuing her work towards a more inclusive and just Aotearoa at Te Kāhui Tika Tangata Human Rights Commission.
Ngā mihi
Amanda Reid (Chair)